12 days of Christmas
With only 13 sleeps to Christmas, we’re all getting into the festive spirit – all those fave Christmassy songs playing everywhere you go and the latest cheesy Christmas ads popping up on TV. So we’re sure when we mention the twelve days of Christmas, that classic Christmas carol probably springs to mind - “… and a partridge in a pear tree”. But when are the actual twelve days of Christmas?
Traditionally the twelve days of Christmas were a Christian period of celebration AFTER Christmas, running from Christmas day to the start of Epiphany on January 6th. Thanks to modern life and the 12 days of Christmas carol, though, we’ve become accustomed to thinking of the 12 days running pre-Christmas.
The carol is thought to be of French origin and possibly a song created as a memory test. With a huge total of 364 gifts being mentioned throughout the rhyme, it sure is a good brain teaser!
At current market prices purchasing all 364 of these gifts - also known as the’ true cost of the days of Christmas’ - would set you back a massive £134,747.352!*
Here at eatsleepdoodle we thought we’d do our own fun (and much more reasonable!) 12 days of Christmas starting on 12th December – a twelve day countdown to the big day!
Each day we’ll reveal a special present idea and there may even be a surprise gift for you too!
Keep an eye on our social media daily to see the presents and surprises come to life…
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